Try this delicious and healthy cooked Paneer Tikka Masala where the veggies and Paneer and nicely marinated with yogurt and...
The best fluffy dhoklas with sweet and tangy flavor in every bite will take your mind in the city of...
Corn and cheese thoughtfully combined with potatoes, bell pepper and few spices results in an irresistible starter. You can bake...
Famous Afghani soya chaap folded in a roll which has mixture of cream and veggies in it. Makes 9-10...
This is a simple snack chivda, very mild in flavour and tasty at the same time. This is one of...
One of the famous Gujrati Snack loved by many and made during festive times. Crispy , light weight and amazing...
Crispy, crunchy, savory recipe meant to be an addition on your Diwali palate. Its an amazing light weight evening snack...
One of the quickly made Diwali savory snack which has such nice crumbly texture to it. Mathri is famous in...
This is our childhood Diwali snack which we loved to munch on. This savory is crunchy and spicy. The flavor...
Crispy from outside and flavourful from inside these vadas/wadas are made from simple spices .Try out this gluten and grain free...